Garden party

Wright State community garden constructed, events to follow

Calling all Wright State gardeners!

The campus community garden beds outside the Russ Engineering building are now in place thanks to a great effort from many volunteers and the generosity of others who donated supplies to make it possible.

Several events this summer and fall will highlight the value of the community garden on campus as well as educate the campus community about nutrition, sustainability and more.

“The WSU Campus Community Garden is so cool because it does all of these things. It brings people together to do something as basic as grow food, learn about gardening and nutrition,” said Linda Ramey, assistant director of sustainability.

The garden is not yet complete. Soil and signage, as well as seeds and plants, are still to come, though grant money for two summer VISTA associates who will tend to the garden has been obtained.

“The Wright State Community, folks from all over our campus, have been involved in creating this garden space that will produce food for the Wright State Friendship Food Pantry this summer and into fall,” said Ramey. “This is just the first step, so there are still many ways for more volunteers to get involved and help the Wright State Campus Community Garden grow.”

Visit to learn more about getting involved with the garden and other sustainability opportunities on campus.

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