The Western Ohio Educational Foundation (WOEF) is in the preliminary stages of finalizing the next addition to the Wright State University-Lake Campus Housing Villas.
After completing an assessment as well as seeing success in 2012-13 with the first building, Knapke Villa, the WOEF Board has recognized the need to include additional housing in their long-term future planning strategies.
Final approved building plans, competitive construction bids, state building permits and both WOEF Board and university approvals have been secured. The WOEF Board is now seeking proper financing through the sale of tax-exempt revenue bonds, with the support of Mercer County commissioners and The Peoples Bank Co., of Coldwater.
Once details are complete, the WOEF Board and the Lake Campus will announce a ground breaking. Construction is expected to begin this summer pending the approval of the bonds, with the goal of having the next unit ready for occupancy for fall semester, 2014.
Knapke Villa was at full capacity for the 2012-13 academic year, the first full year of operation. Housing is available on a wait-list basis for fall 2013.
The new addition will enable the campus to house up to 64 students and a full- time residential community director as well as provide laundry facilities.
For more information, please contact Julie Miller, WOEF Development Officer, at 419-586-0375.