Field School in Archaeology

Students in Field School in Archaeology excavate campus woods hope to find evidence of Wright State’s past

Wright State’s Field School in Archaeology hopes to scrape the surface to learn more about the people who lived in the woods before the university was built. Continue reading

Students in Archaeology Field School excavate 100-year-old family farm

Wright State students find numerous artifacts during excavation of 100-year-old family farm. Continue reading

Top research stories of 2021

From developing a super sunscreen to monitoring brain injuries to tracking COVID-19 misinformation, Wright State faculty and students pursued important research endeavors in 2021. Continue reading

Fort worth

Wright State anthropology students dig for evidence of an historic Shawnee fort

Undergraduate anthropology students receive hands-on training at excavating during Wright State’s Field School in Archaeology. Continue reading

Excavating an abandoned town, fighting viral infections and restoring a prairie are among the top research stories of 2018

From excavating an abandoned town to fighting viral infections to restoring a prairie, Wright State University faculty and students are undertaking numerous and important research endeavors. Continue reading

Field operations

Wright State archaeology students find traces of town that was relocated following Great Dayton Flood of 1913

Students in the Field School in Archaeology excavate a field to learn more about life in Old Osborn, near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Continue reading

Foundation find

Students in Wright State anthropology course unearth historic settlement structure

During a six-week dig, students in Wright State’s Field School in Archaeology uncovered a limestone foundation of a structure occupied by frontier settlers outside of Springfield, Ohio. Continue reading

Rare earth

Wright State anthropology students uncover artifacts from Revolutionary War battlefield

The dig is part of a program created by assistant professor Lance Greene to investigate the archaeology and history of Shawnee settlements in Ohio. Continue reading