Army and Air Force ROTC programs will honor members of the U.S. military at Wright State men’s basketball game against Cleveland State on Jan. 14.
Members of the military will be celebrated as will Wright State University faculty and staff at separate appreciation nights during men’s basketball games at the Nutter Center.
Army and Air Force ROTC cadets will attend the Cleveland State game on Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 7 p.m. Beavercreek community members are also invited to the game.
Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night will be held during the Saturday, Jan. 17, game against Valparaiso beginning at 5 p.m.
The Army and Air Force ROTC programs have honored the military at Wright State basketball games for over three years. Vince Taylor, recruiting operations officer for the Army ROTC, says the event is designed to show appreciation for the military and promote as well as recruit for ROTC.
There are approximately 80 Army ROTC cadets and approximately 100 cadets in the Air Force ROTC at Wright State. To attend this game visit wsuraidertix.com and select “WSU Army and Air Force ROTC and Friends.”
The Army ROTC will host a courtside party for family members and prospective ROTC students.

Wright State will recognize university employees and their families during the annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night at the Nutter Center Jan. 17.
Three days later on Jan. 17, Wright State faculty and staff are invited to attend the basketball game and receive a free dinner beforehand as part of the third annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night. The event allows faculty, staff and their families to meet in a social setting for a night of fun and goodwill.
This annual event brings faculty and staff together to celebrate their service to the university community. It provides an opportunity for the university community to interact with their colleagues in a casual atmosphere and show support for the men’s basketball team, said Cindy Riley, the chair of faculty and staff of the planning committee.
The family-friendly event begins at 5 p.m. in the McLin Gym. The basketball game tips off at 7 p.m.
Selected Wright State faculty and staff will be recognized as recipients of the Presidential Awards of Excellence for their exemplary service to the university. During halftime, ETHOS, a student a cappella group, will perform. In addition, various Wright State sports teams will sign autographs along with the WWSU radio station.
“Since people report they enjoy attending the Faculty-Staff Appreciation event and the numbers signed up attest that we focused on improving what we currently offer. This year we’ve increased the food offering, included more games for kids and added a photo booth,” said Associate Provost Steven Berberich.
Riley said her favorite part of the event last year was watching those in attendance enjoy the entertainment and activities. “The overall atmosphere was a festive one,” she said.
“Cheerleaders, pep band, Rowdy the canine, students, staff, faculty all supporting the flagship university sports team — these ingredients form a part of the ‘college experience’ with high, although difficult to measure, value,” said Fred Garber, who is an associate professor of electrical engineering and attended last year.
Faculty and staff who purchased their tickets by Jan. 9 have been entered to win prizes, including gift cards, apparel, jewelry, event tickets and an Xbox One. All employee season ticket holders are automatically entered in the contest.
Door prizes have been donated by the Wright State Athletic Department, College of Liberal Arts, Lake Campus, College of Science and Math and Classified Staff Advisory Council, as well as from community businesses such as Paintbrush Pottery, Rogers Jewelers, Spinoza’s Pizza and Salads and many other businesses and individuals.
“Without the hard work of the committee and volunteers and support from the campus and local community, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do,” said Shannon Norton, assistant to the associate provost.
All employees with a wright.edu email address are eligible to receive up to four free tickets. Employee season ticket holders do not need to purchase tickets, but they do need to show their Wright1 Card at the McLin Gym entrance. Additional tickets are $10 each and include entry into the appreciation event and basketball game.
More information is available at wright.edu/athletics/faculty-and-staff-appreciation-night.