Each episode of "BSI: Teradata, Business Scenario Investigatons" involves a business problem that the Teradata team is able to fix by analyzing data.
No, they’re not Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
Nor are they Scooby-Doo and the gang.
But they do solve mysteries—real-world, business mysteries.
A team of data specialists from Teradata, a top data warehousing firm headquartered in Miamisburg, have created a series of videos modeled after the television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Each episode of “BSI: Teradata, Business Scenario Investigatons” involves a business problem that the Teradata team is able to fix by analyzing data.
Dave Schrader and the production team presented a director’s cut, VIP showing of their latest episode on Tuesday, April 5, at Wright State University. Following the presentation, the production team answered questions and explained the concept, creation and deployment of the episode.
For more information on the event, see the promotional flyer at http://www.wright.edu/hci/teradatavisit.pdf.
- A group from Teradata presented their web video series modeled after “CSI.”
- Dave Schrader, director of marketing and strategy at Teradata, presented the latest “BSI” episode.
- Students were able to ask questions about the marketing and video production strategies behind the videos.
- Each episode of “BSI: Teradata, Business Scenario Investigatons” involves a business problem that the Teradata team is able to fix by analyzing data.
Check out a sample “BSI” episode: