Wright State University Foundation has renamed its Legacy Society the Katharine Wright Legacy Society.
She flew in her brothers’ airplanes, met foreign dignitaries at home and abroad, and managed the household for her father and brothers after her mother passed away.
Katharine Wright is perhaps the lesser-known sibling of Wilbur and Orville Wright, but not without her own accomplishments. Katharine was the lone member of the family to earn her college degree. She was very active in education and civic affairs. She worked as a teacher and participated in many community clubs and causes. Understanding the significance of her brothers’ historic mission, she contributed ideas, funding, and organization to the developing science and business of powered flight.
It is in this spirit of personal accomplishment and dedicated service and support that the Wright State University Foundation has renamed its Legacy Society the Katharine Wright Legacy Society to specially recognize those who have made a deferred gift commitment to Wright State.
Individuals who have made a gift through a bequest or beneficiary designation, charitable trust or charitable gift annuity, or otherwise have made a gift that will be fully realized in the future are all invited to membership in the Katharine Wright Legacy Society. There is no minimum dollar amount to qualify, but the Foundation asks that gift documentation be provided to ensure that donor wishes are accurately implemented when the gift is realized.
In many ways, Katharine Wright’s life’s work extended the trajectory established by her famous brothers. Through their pledge of financial assistance, members of the Katharine Wright Legacy Society reflect the utmost confidence in the university as they commit their resources to reaching new horizons.
Wish to be included in the Katharine Wright Legacy Society?
If you have made a provision in your estate for Wright State but have not informed us…
If you have thought about doing so, but need information or assistance…
If you would like to receive a free Will and Trust Planning Guide to assist in planning your estate…
… contact Regis Lekan, director of planned giving (937-775-4988, regis.lekan@wright.edu), or visit the Wright State planned giving website: http://www.wright.edu/plannedgiving.