![Photo of the Wright State University Model United Nations Team after they were presented Presidential Commendations for Excellence in Co-Curricular Activities by university president David R. Hopkins.](http://webapp2.wright.edu/web1/newsroom/files/2011/06/Model-UN-president-award-260x204.jpg)
Individual students and teams, like the Wright State University Model United Nations Team above, were presented Presidential Commendations for Excellence in Co-Curricular Activities by university president David R. Hopkins.
Wright State President David R. Hopkins presented Presidential Commendations for Excellence in Co-Curricular Activities to students Friday, June 3, in the Student Union Apollo Room.
Individual award winners and teams were honored for their exceptionally meritorious achievement in state, regional, national or international academic forums.
Fadwa Constandinis (undergraduate student; CoSM)—Received the Travel Award by the American Chemical Society’s Division of Polymer Chemistry for her abstract and polymer preprint (extended abstract).
Lara Donnelly (undergraduate student; CoLA)—Received an Honorable Mention (third year in a row) in the international Dell Magazine Awards for Undergraduate Excellence in Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing.
Megan Fisher (undergraduate student; CoLA)—Received a competitive fellowship for graduate study from Phi Kappa Phi, the oldest collegiate honor society.
Sarah Frey (undergraduate student; CoSM)—Received competitive scholarships from the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, the South Central Association for Clinical Microbiology and the Six Rivers Chapter of the Clinical Laboratory Management Association for her exemplary scholarship in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program.
Wesam Helou (undergraduate student; CECS)—Presented “Six Sigma Engineering” at the Mid East Honors Association Conference.
Huong (Ashley) Lan Hoang (undergraduate student; CoSM)—Achieved second Place for her poster presentation at the University of Kentucky Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Brittany Reinert (undergraduate; CoSM)—Received the David S. Bruce Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research from the American Physiological Society.
Aaron Shank (undergraduate; CECS)—Selected as an Amgen Scholar at the University of California–San Diego for the summer of 2011.
Rozemarijn (Rosie) Staal (graduate student; SOPP)—Authored an article in May/June 2011 issue of The NADD Bulletin, a publication of the National Association for the Dually Diagnosed, and for her selection as a research delegate with the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) to travel to Cuba in October 2011 for a professional research program.
Engineering Team—The Robotic Lawnmower Team placed second in the Dayton Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE) student paper contest, and third in the IEEE Region 2 student paper contest held at Penn State on April 16, 2011.
Team Members: Cory Snyder, Nicole Kleinhenz, Edmund Velten
Lake Campus Team—Received top honors in the 2011 Business Professionals of America state competition, qualifying for competition at the national level in Washington, D.C. Team members won nine individual awards at the state level, including five first place finishes, and seven individual awards at the national level. The Lake Campus chapter also received the Outstanding Service Award in the nation for its community and outreach activities.
Team Members: Sheila Goins, Michelle Fleck, Amanda Fleck
Management Teams—Placed second in the undergraduate division, and third in the graduate division at the 2011 National Society for Advancement of Management Annual Case Competition in Orlando, FL, on March 31–April 3, 2011.
Undergraduate Team Members: Rebekah Wyson, Kristen Hunter
Graduate Team Members: Lindsey Bailey, Sara Lange, Amber Dues
Model United Nations Team—Represented Japan and the International Court of Justice at this year’s conference in NYC and received the highest awards as an Outstanding Delegation, Outstanding Position Paper and Outstanding Delegates.
Team Members: Emilee Anderson, Andrew Angerer, Zack Beck, Shayne Boomershine, Taylor Boomershine, Spencer Brannon, David Buffington, Matt Conaway, Josh Cummins, Grace Curell, Kuyer Fazekas, Emily Goodheart, Afsan Haddadian, Prentiss Haney, Andrea Jacoby, Drew Marcy, Jonathan Maze, Ryan O’Connor ,Kate Perry, Jamie Plamondon, Paul Reed, Jackie Schroeder, Will Scott, Heather Spangler, Tony Stahl, Dan Thomas, Nate Turner, Megan Uhrig, Adam Verdecchia, Melissa Walker, Niyah Walters, Ross Widney, Nicole Wise, Joshowa Yost
Piano Studio—Composed of 14 piano students, the studio has been invited to perform at numerous regional events, and has also been invited to perform this summer at the Hsing Hai Concert Hall in Guangzhou, China.
Team Members: Igor Do Amaral, Royce Edwards-Kenion, Sara Elgersma, Benjamin Geist, Mary Hess, Brandon Hrkman, Marcio Kim, Pui Kei Lau, Cheok Lam Lou, Ka Wun Lou, Ho Suet Poon, Joseph Severyn, Su long Wong