As indicated by the blue pipes and fences up around campus, Wright State University is well into the yearlong water pipe replacement project. Expected to conclude by September of 2012, the construction is replacing the original underground domestic water piping system on campus—a first in more than 40 years. To minimize the effect on classes, the project will proceed with some of its most aggressive work during spring break, from March 18 through 24. Please note this revised schedule includes a campus-wide water shut off on Sunday, March 18, and the addition of a shut off for the Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Building on Wednesday, March 21.
During this time period, several campus buildings will undergo daylong water shutdowns, necessary in order to connect the buildings’ water lines with the new water piping system. Restroom facilities in affected buildings will not be available. The campus community and visitors are instructed to use the facilities in adjacent buildings. After a building’s water supplies are reconnected, it will remain under a boil advisory until cleared for consumption.
Refer to the schedule below to plan for building disruptions. Due to the nature of construction, remain alert and watch for posted signage in buildings with regards to the availability of restroom facilities and boil advisories.
For more information about the water pipe replacement project, please visit:
Spring Break Water Shutdown Schedule

Wright State's yearlong water pipe replacement project is expected to be completed by September 2012.
Sun., Mar. 18
Campus-wide water shut off
Mon., Mar. 19
Diggs Laboratory and Health Sciences Building
Tues., Mar. 20
Russ Engineering Center and Joshi Research Center
Wed., Mar. 21
Biological Sciences I & II, Mathematical & Microbiological Sciences
Thurs., Mar. 22
Medical Sciences
Fri., Mar. 23
Student Union east side (Union Market will not be affected)
Sat., Mar. 24
White Hall