Pre-college teacher Ms. Jennille Love (green), James Durbin (green and black), Christine Kim (stripes) and Grant Crawford (red and black) in the Talk About It++ class where students learned about how to constructively deal with conflict and disagreement.
The Office of Pre-College Programs offered a wide variety of week-long learning opportunities for K–12 students “camping” at Wright State University this summer. Camp Discovery for K–6 students and Camp Odyssey for 7–9 students, kicked off back in June but will come to a close In August.
The programs were designed for students to engage in fields like science, mathematics, foreign languages, the arts, the humanities and computer technology. Classes were planned from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, with extended care available. Select courses for the gifted and talented were also available.
- A flurryof papers, pencils and creative juices were the hallmark of the Amazing Authors class.
- A future bestseller author? Pre-college student Rebecca Jones in the Amazing Authors class.
- Matthew Gregson hard at work in the Creative Sewing class.
- Caroline Celaney (left) and Maryana Petrova show their work from the Cretive Sewing class.
- Pre-college campers Page Flee (left), Kaylen Mayho (middle) and Maddie McGaffrey were excited to get to work in the Creative Sewing class.
- Pre-college teacher Ms. Jennille Love (green), James Durbin (green and black), Christine Kim (stripes) and Grant Crawford (red and black) in the Talk About It++ class where students learned about how to constructively deal with conflict and disagreement.