Ten Wright State students got the rare opportunity to watch a Dayton Dragon's home game last year from the DP&L Foundation suite. Now they and others may get a chance to work for the team.
Batter up, Raiders! The 2013 Dayton Dragons Green Team will be paying Wright State a visit on Monday, Oct. 29, to recruit students for summer job opportunities.
The Dayton Dragons are looking to fill a number of positions for the 2013 baseball season. Opportunities include positions in the Entertainment/Control Room, Merchandising, Operations, Sponsor Services and Ticketing.
The Dayton Dragons information table will be located in the Student Union near the Union Market from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 29. If interested in a summer working at a baseball field, please drop by the table for information or visit the website at http://www.daytondragons.com/jobs.