Elizabeth Styers and Audwin Jones, chairs-elect of CSAC and USAC, participate in an activity during Staff Development Day last July.
Wright State University staff members are encouraged to attend Staff Development Day on January 16 in the Student Union to enhance their personal and professional communication skills. Presented by the Classified and Unclassified Staff Advisory Councils, the theme is “Creating Community Through Campus Conversations.”
Craig This, USAC chair, is reminded of a quote that Ohio State University President Gordon Gee said when he visited campus last fall: “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”
“I think that is why we do Staff Development Day, so staff develop and learn, change and grow, to stay relevant to Wright State University and the world of higher education,” This said.
J. Alex Alexander, an award-winning lecturer in the Department of Communications at Wright State, will present the lunch keynote, “The Power of the Unspoken Message.” Other session topics include communicating with people who are different than us, performance appraisals, and Safe Space training.
“It’s my hope that everyone at Wright State engages themselves so that we build a legacy for our next generation,” said Kym Sellers, CSAC chair. “CSAC’s role is to fully support Staff Development Day by providing workshops that give you some tools to increase your productivity and efficiencies while reducing stressors.”
The daylong event is open to all university staff, free of charge, and includes lunch. Participants may attend all day or part of the day. Sessions are filling up. Visit www.wright.edu/staffdevday for more information and to register.