The Wright State Leadership Academy offers programs from its Cornerstones of Executive Leadership Series (for Managers, Supervisors and Leads), Executive Education Series (coming in 2013, a leadership series for Chairs, Directors and above); Wright State Women's Leadership Institute (specifically focused on the unique challenges and realities faced by women in leadership roles), and its program for those new to a supervisory/leadership role or new to Wright State in a supervisory/leadership role - Leadership: The Wright Way.
The quest for equal pay and leadership opportunities for women in the workplace will be the focus of a leadership seminar designed for women at Wright State.
Titled Challenges and Successes: Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals, the Jan. 30 seminar will be the first in the Wright State Leadership Academy’s series. It targets women working at Wright State that currently hold a supervisory/leadership position or women seeking to move into such positions.
“As part of our Wright State Leadership Academy offerings, it is meant as a complementary series that blends information-sharing, discussion, recommended reading and guest speakers who will share their unique insight,” said Albert Bondurant, executive director of Organizational Development and Learning.
The featured speaker will be Lisa Barhorst, the general manager of ABC 22/FOX 45 in Dayton. After working in the broadcast industry—a field with high-level management positions predominantly held by men—for over 22 years, Barhorst has witnessed and overcome workplace adversity.
Barhorst currently serves on the board of directors for the Dayton Better Business Bureau, the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce and the local YWCA. She is involved in campaigns such as Go Red for Women (American Heart Association) and the Kettering Medical Center Foundation’s Ribbon of Hope.
“A participant can come out of one of our programs and immediately start putting the newly obtained information to good use on the job,” said Bondurant.
The event will be held in 3855 University Park, Room 111, on Jan. 30. The seminar be from 9 a.m. to noon.
If interested in attending, contact Organizational Development and Learning via email (odandlearning@wright.edu) or by calling (937) 775-4705.