At the 2012 event, Wright State student Samuel Bertsos (red jacket) was one of hundreds of students who learned what classes and activities to choose now to best prepare him for a future in a health profession.
Several hundred high school and college students interested in pursuing careers as doctors, therapists, veterinarians or other health professions are set to converge on Wright State University for presentations and tours next week.
The College of Science & Mathematics will host Path to Health Professions Day on Feb. 18 at the Student Union. Several hundred people typically attend the event, including guidance counselors and parents.
Visit http://www.wright.edu/cosm/premed/presday.html to register now for Path to Health Professions Day Monday, Feb. 18, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Student Union, Wright State students are welcome to participate as their schedules permit.
Those encouraged to attend should include anyone interested in becoming a physician, dentist, pharmacist, physician assistant, physical therapist, occupational therapist, veterinarian, nurse practitioner, psychologist, public health official or any other health professional. Area teachers and guidance counselors who wish to learn more about Wright State’s pre-med and pre-professional programs are also welcome.
“The purpose of this event is to provide information to future and current Wright State students about the health professions and programs available to them,” said Director of Pre-health Programs at Wright State, Jacqueline Neal. “It also helps to build relationships between Wright State undergraduate institutions with professional schools and admission representatives throughout Ohio.”
In addition to exploring career opportunities, attendees will learn what classes and activities to choose now to best prepare for their futures. Participants will have an opportunity to participate in formal health-career sessions and take tours of the anatomy labs at Wright State and Wright State’s Boonshoft School of Medicine.
The event features exhibits by Wright State University, the Boonshoft School of Medicine, the College of Nursing and Health, the School of Professional Psychology, the Case Western Reserve University College of Dentistry, the University of Dayton, the Kettering College of Medical Arts, Ohio University, The Ohio State University, Cedarville University, the University of Cincinnati, Marian University, Sherman College, Marietta College, the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, Greene County Health Department, the U.S. Army, and Test Prep services from Kaplan, the Princeton Review and ExamKrackers