Students are raising money to pay for their classmate’s heart transplant with a 5K called “Find the Beat Again” at Wright State University’s Lake Campus at 8 a.m. Saturday.
Friends of WSU student Rachel Doseck planned the event, Doseck said, to feel like they had some way to help her after an extended illness caused by her body rejecting her heart transplant. She received another heart on Jan.10.
Doseck told The Evening Leader what it’s like to have your heart stop in the hospital.
When your heart stops, she explains, you don’t automatically go unconscious. Actually you’re awake for a minute; the last thing you see as your eyes close are doctors and nurses running into your room with “crash carts,” which are what they call the unit transporting the electrical jump-starting paddles that they use to revive the heart.
Read more at theeveningleader.com