On Thursday, Aug. 21, more than 1,400 new Wright State University students will move onto campus. The group constitutes about 70 percent of the first-year class.
Move-In Day will last from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will involve 110 golf carts, a fleet of luggage rollers and about 440 student, staff and faculty volunteers to move students into 29 residence halls and on-campus apartments.
New residents may want to consider bringing the following items:

The best way to move you stuff into your dorm is to get some student help and make some new friends too.
- Extra long twin size sheets (mattress size 36″x80″)
- Mattress pad or cover, pillows, and comforter/bedspread
- Rugs
- Alarm clock
- Desk lamp
- Television
- Computer
- Touch-tone phone
- Wastebasket
- Bathmat
- Towels
- Toiletries (shampoo, soap, razor, toilet paper, etc.)
- Seasonal clothing
- Hamper
- Umbrella
- Cooking utensils/can opener
- Plates, cups, silverware
Some items, such as hot plates and pets other than fish, should be left at home.
Another 1,200 upperclassmen will move in Saturday, Aug. 23.
For more information about what to bring or not bring, the complete Move-In Day schedule and check-in information, future residents should visit the Operation Move-In website: webapp1.wright.edu/movein/.