Using umbrellas, ponchos and tarps, more than 1,400 new Wright State University students moved onto campus Thursday, Aug. 21, during Wright State University’s annual Move-in Day. The group of students constituted about 70 percent of the first-year, direct from high school students who make up the freshman class.
The event began with the threat of rain clouds and by 10:30 a.m. was soaked by consistent showers. More than 100 golf carts, a fleet of luggage rollers and about 440 student, staff and faculty volunteers helped move students into 29 residence halls and on-campus apartments.
Though most got wet, the positive spirits of Move-in Day were never dampened.
- 110 golf carts were lined up and ready first thing in the morning.
- It’s always nice for families to meet Wright State University President David R. Hopkins while they wait in line.
- Move-in Day simply does not happen without the small army of eager volunteers.
- Student volunteers were eager to lend a hand to their new classmates.
- Umbrella + tarp = sort-of dry.
- Front row, from left: Gary Dickstein, assistant vice president for student affairs; Robert Sweeney, executive vice president for planning and secretary to the Board of Trustees; Dan Abrahamowicz, vice president for student affairs; Barbara Bullock, assistant vice president, Institutional Research; and Kristin Sobolik, College of Liberal Arts dean, took the ALS ice bucket challenge during Move-In Day. Wright State President David R. Hopkins (back left) and Provost S. Narayanan (back right) helped dump ice water.
- An important accessory for Move-in Day 2014: a tarp.
- Though the rain persisted, so did the smile on Move-in Day.
- Many students ended up taking a rainy but pleasant “walk in the the Woods.”
- Once the line moved below some tree cover the drizzle wasn’t that bad.