Annette McCoy, coordinator of the Holiday Gift Program, poses with the 2014 haul of toys from the Wright State community.
The Wright State community gave in a big way this holiday season. Forty-five families, including 97 children, were adopted for the holidays through the university’s Holiday Gift Program.
“Thanks to the generosity and compassion of Wright State University, the Holiday Gift Program was more successful than ever in spreading the Christmas spirit to children in need,” said Annette McCoy, Holiday Gift Program coordinator.
Twenty barrels of toys were collected for the Toy Cottage, as well as nearly $800 in monetary donations that helped to purchase toys for the cottage and support kids transitioning from foster care to independent living — including some Wright State students.
Leaders from both the organizations that received the donations, For the Love of Children (FLOC) and Greene County Children Services, said Wright State is among the most generous of contributors for their children.
“We are completely overwhelmed and amazed at what Wright State has done for the children of Greene County. To have one organization, even one as large as Wright State, donate enough gifts for 97 children is just incredible,” said Monica Schiffler, Greene County Children Services public relations specialist. “We brought five vehicles, including vans and SUVs, to pick up your gifts and every vehicle left packed full to the limit. There is so much appreciation for what you have done, both from our staff and from the parents and guardians of the children.”
Schiffler also shared that she saw a parent in tears because she couldn’t believe the gifts her child had received.
“Thank you so very much to Wright State University for giving us the ability to provide Christmas to hundreds of children this year. With your most generous donation of 20 brimming barrels of toys, we were able to sprinkle holiday magic on 1,600 (and growing) children who would not be celebrating the season but for your kindness,” said Beth Mann, president of the board of FLOC Montgomery County.
In addition to Wright State faculty, staff and students, Mound Laser and Photonics Center, Inc., joined the giving. Mound Laser adopted four families, totaling 16 children.
“Mound Laser was honored to participate in the adopt-a-family project this year. We are fortunate to be able to help those in need within the community and appreciate the assistance of Wright State in putting this project together,” said Kevin Hartke, president and CEO of Mound Laser and Photonics Center.
- The shelves were stocked at the Toy Cottage once the Wright State donation came in.
- Twenty barrels of toys were collected for the Toy Cottage.
- Nearly $800 in monetary donations helped to purchase toys for the cottage and support kids transitioning from foster care to independent living.
- Leaders from both the organizations that received the donations, For the Love of Children (FLOC) and Greene County Children Services, said Wright State is among the most generous of contributors for their children.
- Forty-five families, including 97 children, were adopted for the holidays through the university’s Holiday Gift program.
- Annette McCoy, coordinator of the holiday gift program, poses with the 2014 haul of toys from the Wright State community.