Veteran nurse Misty Richmond oversees the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner concentration in the College of Nursing and Health. (Photos by Will Jones)
The mind is a powerful thing, which is what Misty Richmond focuses on as assistant professor and the director of the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner concentration in Wright State University’s College of Nursing and Health.
“I think educating nurses is huge not just because there is a shortage but because of the influence on the health care of our patients and the reputation of the profession,” she said.
Richmond advises students within the concentration and walks with them through graduation. She also develops clinical placements and helps prepare students for their national certification exams.
“She has clinical expertise, teaching experience, and she’s a nurse practitioner,” said Rosalie Mainous, dean of the College of Nursing and Health. “We’re pleased to have found someone with her skillset and the experience that she brings to Wright State.”
One of the most impactful times in Richmond’s career was a recent death of a patient. She attended the funeral.
“My experience in working with him and hearing of his death really makes me all the more intent on working on policy and education,” said Richmond. “The view of mental illness in the U.S., the importance of social networks — I think there is a huge number of people that we are failing. … His death underscored my sense of social injustice and the need for more social justice in America, as a nurse and as an educator.”
Originally Richmond didn’t see a career in mental health in her future, but she eventually learned she loved the field.
She also never intended to earn more than her bachelor’s degree but changed her mind while working on that degree. She continued her education, earning her doctorate.
“I was a nurse trying to figure out what to do with my future,” Richmond said. She was drawn to “learning about theory and the philosophy of nursing. I got reconnected and it went on from there. I was inspired by what nurses do and what nurses could do.”

Misty Richmond advises students in the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner concentration, develops clinical placements and helps prepare students for their national certification exams.
Richmond has worked in the hospital setting for over 25 years and currently works in emergency mental health at a hospital in Cincinnati.
She is interested in learning how people cope with stressful situations in life and how it affects their perspective on life.
“I’m fascinated with people and how we form relationships,” Richmond said.
She looks forward to building relationships with students and having a “positive influence on their future, whether it means their career or their future patients. I’m also very excited to continue research.”
Others notice her passion for helping not just patients but students.
“She’s very eager,” said Deborah Ulrich, associate dean for academic affairs in College of Nursing and Health. “She enjoys teaching, but she also enjoys nursing practice. In her new role she has the ability to do both.”
When she’s not working, Richmond enjoys spending time with her granddaughter and following politics, specifically presidential elections.
“I like the sociological and psychological impact they have on people and the way it influences people,” she said.