Organized by We Serve U, Wright State’s annual Holiday Gift Program collected more than 800 gifts for families in Greene and Montgomery counties. Photo by Erin Pence)
Families in Greene and Montgomery counties received generous donations from Wright State students, faculty and staff during the university’s annual Holiday Gift Program.
The drive collected toys and other gifts for the Adopt a Family program in Greene County and FLOC (For Love of Children) in Montgomery County.
In Greene County, 26 families were “adopted.” We Serve U collected a total of 364 gifts for the Adopt a Family program and 450 gifts for FLOC.
The Holiday Gift Program was organized by Wright State’s We Serve U, which encourages faculty and staff to give their time and skills to community service opportunities.
“It’s nice to make someone else’s Christmas fun,” said Joanie Hendricks, a data analyst in the Office of Institutional Research who coordinated the donation drives.
“These children would not have Christmas gifts without the generous donations provided,” said Hendricks.
Working with Greene County’s Children Services, the Adopt a Family program seeks to find volunteers to temporarily sponsor a family by providing suggested gift items or gift card donations for families.
FLOC is a volunteer group that raises funds to provide enrichment and educational activities for children throughout the Dayton area.
Wright State’s donation drive helped FLOC provide toys for more than 2,600 total children this year.
Three campus organizations — the women’s soccer team, Alpha Phi Omega and 4 Paws for Ability — assisted with the donation drives.
“It’s fun getting to hear people being excited to adopt a family,” said Kim Sierschula, a We Serve U volunteer who coordinated with the Adopt a Family program. “Wright State was excited about that.”