
Wright State University graduate student Jodi Villars with students at URS.
Wright State University graduate student Jodi Villars, a longtime ballet dancer, has been teaching dance for 10 years, but she now is teaching a type of ballet that is new to her and that helps those with disabilities.
The Miami Valley native is teaching at the United Rehabilitation Services building in Dayton as part of a class at Wright State. She works in movement therapy with her degree in health and physical education. She is now working on getting certified in adapted physical education at the school.
Villars is in the College of Education and Human Services and will conclude her classes at United Rehabilitation soon in order to start classes in the fall. The class she teaches was funded through a performing arts grant by URS.
However, URS officials said that they plan on bringing Villars back to teach during the evenings when she is out of class or not teaching another ballet course.
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