Wright State Parking and Transportation is making a concerted effort improve the flow of traffic around campus.
As the fall semester begins Wright State University is taking steps to make it easier for students, faculty and staff to drive on and off campus.
Students, faculty and staff will see a noticeable presence of attendants directing traffic during the first two weeks of the fall semester. Numerous parking attendants and Wright State police officers will be present in parking lots to improve the flow of traffic and help drivers locate parking lots that have available parking spaces.
“We want the first two weeks to be as easy flowing and as painless as possible for everybody coming onto campus,” said Joe Dick, transportation services manager at Wright State.
Students, faculty and staff driving to campus are asked to give themselves plenty of time to park and arrive at their classes or appointments.
If possible, community members are advised to avoid traveling to campus — for non-class purposes — during the first two weeks of the semester at peak traffic hours, weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
“We ask that drivers be extra patient during the first few weeks of the semester,” Dick said.
Parking and Transportation has revamped shuttle bus route 2, which makes stops at campus residential housing, Millett Hall, 2455 Colonel Glenn Hwy. and the Student Union. Shuttles will pick up students more frequently, reducing wait times.
Shuttle passengers can track bus routes in real time at wright.doublemap.com/map.
Parking and Transportation will deploy an extra shuttle bus to pick up passengers on heavily used routes, when needed.
The university has reduced the price of a student fee for a Lot 20 Park and Ride parking permit to $15 for one semester or $20 for both the fall and spring semesters. The fee to purchase a regular student parking permit is $90 for one semester, $150 for the fall and spring semesters and $190 for the fall, spring and summer semesters.
Wright State is taking other steps to alleviate traffic congestion on campus even before the semester begins.
RaiderConnect and Enrollment Services will offer special office hours with First Saturday on Aug. 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Student Union.
First Saturday offers students a chance to avoid long lines and traffic by taking care of any last-minute business before classes start on Aug. 28. In addition to RaiderConnect, the Wright State Bookstore, Wright1 card services desk and housing community centers will be open.
Students, faculty and staff can order parking permits online anytime at wright.edu/parking.
Online maps of campus buildings and parking lots are available at wright.edu/maps.