
President Cheryl B. Schrader presided over her first commencement ceremony at Wright State University on Dec. 16.
Led by Wright State University’s seventh President Cheryl B. Schrader for the first time, students, families, faculty and staff celebrated the commencement of nearly 1,900 students at the university’s fall graduation ceremony Dec. 16 at the Wright State Nutter Center.
Schrader recognized the thousands of students for their years of commitment, excellence and resilience in pursuit of their goal to earn a college degree at Wright State.
Schrader asked graduates to begin thinking about their legacy as the first graduating class of Wright State’s next 50 years. She also encouraged them to compare themselves to the university’s namesakes, the Wright brothers.
“Begin thinking about what your legacy will be,” Schrader said. “Will you be an innovative trailblazer like our namesakes, the Wright brothers? Will you continue their pioneering spirit and change the world in your own unique way?”
Schrader shared anecdotes of the Wright brothers’ passion and commitment to their dreams as chronicled in David McCullough’s book “The Wright Brothers” and said the graduating class has the same attributes.
“As time and distance puts you farther and farther from Wright State, I hope you will still remember the lessons of our namesakes and follow in their footsteps,” Schrader said. “Find your own way to soar. Discover your passions and let them take flight.”
In her praise for the entire graduating class, Schrader called attention to three students who have accomplished and overcome much to reach their goals.
“As we look ahead to your future and the exciting possibilities and opportunities it holds, I am reminded of the words of Wilbur Wright: ‘It is not really necessary to look too far into the future. We see enough already to be certain that it will be magnificent,’” said Schrader.
“I know each of you has a magnificent future ahead. And now it’s time for you to lift off, soar high above the clouds and fly. Like the endless sky before you, your promise and potential are unlimited,” she added.
The graduating class included summer and fall graduates with 1,083 bachelor’s degrees and 681 master’s as well those awarded associate degrees and post-master’s certificates.
The class featured graduates from 58 Ohio counties, including 1,171 from the 16 counties anchored by Wright State’s Dayton and Lake campuses. Graduates hail from 34 total states.
The class also included 365 international students from 30 different nations. India boasted the largest number of foreign graduates with 187.
The graduating students from the class ranged in age from 19 to 72.
Graduates by college: College of Education and Human Services: 308; College of Engineering and Computer Science: 440; College of Liberal Arts: 323; College of Nursing and Health: 113; College of Science and Mathematics: 228; Raj Soin College of Business: 353 and Lake Campus: 40.
Read the original post at fairborndailyherald.com