Corrie Pleska, survivor advocate and case manager in the Student Advocacy and Wellness Center, has overseen Domestic Violence Awareness Month events at Wright State.
Throughout October, Wright State University will take part in Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) was first recognized in the United States in October 1987. Two years later, Congress formally designated October as the official month for DVAM.
At Wright State, several events and activities are planned to educate and raise awareness about domestic violence.
One of those events is an exhibit called “An empty seat at the table” in the Pathfinder Lounge of the Student Union. The exhibit pays tribute to those who were killed as a result of domestic violence.
Mitch Johnson, a freshman business major, was taken aback by what he felt while viewing the exhibit.
“It really left me speechless,” he said. “The fact that some people lose their lives to this abuse is truly tragic.”
Corrie Pleska, survivor advocate and case manager in the Student Advocacy and Wellness Center, helps manage and oversee the events for DVAM. Pleska said she is excited to see how Wright State’s first student advocacy and wellness DVAM unfolds.
“The programming is diverse and we have tried to appeal to a variety of folks through the issues and mediums we have chosen. I am excited to see how that plays out, and if we are able to reach a broader audience than one would normally assume with a topic such as domestic violence,” she said. “I am also excited to meet new students and share about the resources we provide on campus, along with general information about the topic of domestic violence.”
DVAM also included the Comfort Food Cook-Off and Potluck, in association with the Raider Food Pantry. It was an opportunity to donate food to the pantry, as well as receive information on the intersection of food scarcity and domestic violence.
The Student Advocacy and Wellness Center offers students, faculty and staff the opportunity to receive a presentation concerning power-based violence all throughout the month of October. If interested, contact the office at 937-775-3749 or 937-260-0167 (24/7 on-call number) or student_support_services@wright.edu.
If any Wright State students are struggling with domestic violence, the Office of Counseling and Wellness can help by contacting 937-775-3407 or 838-848-1765.