
Research on addiction medicine has led third-year medical student Rachel Rhee to see the potential of working with that patient population after graduation from the Boonshoft School of Medicine.
Rachel Rhee, a third-year student at the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, has contributed to research into Narcan access among fentanyl and heroin users in Montgomery County.
The study Rhee contributed to found that 60 percent of interviewed study participants reported easy access to Narcan; 70 percent have personally obtained Narcan, and about 50 percent used Narcan to help an overdose victim.
Rhee, who grew up in Orange County, California, and Columbus, Ohio, was inspired to study the issue after shadowing Dr. Marilyn Kindig, assistant professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at an addiction clinic in Lima.
View the original story at limaohio.com