Dayton Daily News: Mass food distribution scheduled for April 21 at Wright State Nutter Center


The Foodbank is having a mass food distribution Tuesday at Wright State University’s Nutter Center to help those impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

A wide variety of food, including fresh produce and non-perishables, will be available.

The food distribution is scheduled for April 21 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Nutter Center parking lot.

People are asked to not start lining up until 9 a.m.

“Anyone in need can come,” said Lee Lauren Truesdale, chief development officer for The Foodbank. “People are just really struggling to make ends meet.”

Every vehicle in line by noon will be served.

There is a limit of two households per vehicle. Carpooling is encouraged for those who are in regular contact.

Vehicles should have an empty trunk or backseat to allow food to be loaded safely.

The Foodbank and Ohio National Guard members assisting with food distribution will be wearing masks and gloves as part of their no-touch distribution method.

As unemployment continues to rise during the coronavirus, The Foodbank encouraging those with limited resources to take advantage of the distribution and use any available funds for bills.

Previously, The Foodbank has served 600 to 800 households during distribution events at the Nutter Center. The organization is preparing to served 1,600 during its April 21 distribution.

“We love the Greene County mass distribution. A huge thanks to the whole Wright State community for embracing this and always saying yes,” said Truesdale.

Wright State has partnered with The Foodbank to hold mass food distributions for the last six years.

The setup of the Nutter Center’s parking lots as well as assistance from Wright State staff members help the distribution run smoothly, Truesdale said.

The Foodbank is continuing to operate it’s drive-thru pantry at 56 Armor Place in Dayton.

The drive-thru pantry will be open from 10 a.m. to noon on April 20 and April 22. Call The Foodbank at 937-949-4096 or the United Way at 2-1-1 for support outside of food distribution hours.

Wright State’s Raider Food Pantry is also offering bags with three day’s worth of supplies. Students can request the emergency bag by calling 937-260-0167. The bags are available for pickup at the Residence Life and Housing package pick-up area Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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