In only its second year in existence, Raider Camp received a $10,000 donation from AT&T that will help the program continue its mission of preparing incoming Wright State University students for a successful college experience.
The three-day leadership program, which took place on Aug. 18-20, was created by the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership. The camp involves various leadership activities to develop students’ strengths and make them the best leaders that they can be.
Raider Camp was first launched in 2019 with a Students First Fund grant from the Wright State University Foundation.
Although this year’s camp was moved entirely online, all 20 participants were able to connect with campus leaders and received an experience designed to prepare them for the next four years of college.
“The main impact that I got from Raider Camp was meeting a bunch of people ahead of time,” said Olivia Johnson, a freshman majoring in music.
Campers participated in the Clifton StrengthsFinders assessment testing, which helps students identify areas to develop leadership qualities and strengths. The assessment also measures recurring patters of thought, feeling and behavior.
“AT&T has been a corporate partner with Wright State for many years,” said Jeremy Keller, program manager for Student Activities. “This year we received support for Raider Camp through their Aspire Program, which invests in students to promote their success in school and beyond. We are thankful for their support, especially during the pandemic challenges and the need to move the majority of the program online.”
“I would 100 percent recommend it,” said Logan Pence, a computer engineering major and Raider Camp participant. “It’s a great way to kind of get your foot in the door.”
All Raider Camp participants will continue to participate in the program through the Fall Semester. Students will continue to explore their leadership strengths and discover leadership assessment tools to further highlight their leadership style.