
Wright State University Nutter Center
The Wright State University Nutter Center will serve as a polling location for voters who live around the Dayton Campus on Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 3.
Voters in eight Fairborn precincts and one Bath Township precinct will vote in the Nutter Center: Fairborn Precincts 217 through 224 and Bath Township Precinct 275. The Dayton Campus is located in Fairborn Precinct 224. Almost 8,400 voters are registered in the nine precincts.
The polls are open on Election Day from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Ohio voters can check their registration status, precinct and polling location on the secretary of state’s website.
Approximately 50 voting machines will be set up on the Nutter Center’s concourse between Gates 6 and 3. All voting booths will be spaced six feet apart.
Voters should enter the Nutter Center through Gate 6 and exit through Gate 3, ensuring one-way traffic in and out of the arena. Parking will be available in Lots 2, 3 or 4.
Greene County Board of Elections and Nutter Center staff will implement safety protocols for voters and poll workers. Poll workers must wear masks. Hand sanitizing stations and disposable styluses that voters can use mark their ballots will be available in the polling area.
The Nutter Center has served as a polling location numerous times, most recently for the 2016 presidential election.
Absentee and early voting in Ohio began on Oct. 6 and continues through Nov. 2.
View the original story at fairborndailyherald.com