Renate Frydman, the founder and director of the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center, will discuss fleeing Germany just days before Kristallnacht during an online talk on Oct. 20.
“Understand, Educate and Heal: Renate Frydman, Ph.D., and the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center” will be livestreamed on WSU-TV on Thursday, Oct. 20, from 1 to 3 p.m.
The event will include a Q&A session with future teachers from the Wright State University School of Education and Leadership.
Although not required, participants are encouraged to register for the event.
Frydman will tell her own story of fleeing Germany just days before Kristallnacht and how it has shaped her lifelong focus on educating students about the Holocaust, genocide, racism and bullying.
Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass,” was a series of attacks against Jewish persons and property by German Nazis in Germany and Austria on the night of Nov. 9, 1938.
Frydman is the curator and docent of the “Holocaust Exhibit: Prejudice and Memory” on permanent display at the National Museum of the U.S Air Force.
She is also the founder and director of the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center, whose collection is housed in the Charles and Renate Frydman Educational Resource Center in Wright State University’s Dunbar Library.
The Educational Resource Center contains a nationally recognized collection of materials about the Holocaust, modern genocides, racism and bullying. The collection includes books for the scholarly student and the K–12 classroom, curriculum guides and nonprint items such as films, audiobooks and kits. It is one of the most extensive collections of its kind in the Midwest.
Wright State also partnered with the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center to produce “Faces of the Holocaust.” This series of interviews includes firsthand accounts from Holocaust survivors, liberators, protectors of Holocaust Jews and observers and stories told by their descendants.