Running home

Screams of absolute elation and pure joy filled the rear of the Student Union near Alumni Grove on Sept. 23 as dozens of female students pledged to join five different sororities.

Students completed three rounds of discussions to select their top two sororities. The rounds included a philanthropy round, a sisterhood round and a preference round.

“It was a lot of fun,” said Valory Newton, a first-year biological sciences major and new Alpha XI Delta member. “I’m so excited to spend the rest of my schools’ years and continue on with them.”

All 39 students received an envelope at the same time, revealing their sorority. New members joined their awaiting sisters by revealing their names and sororities and running through the Student Union exit doors while wearing their sorority T-shirts.

“Going into college and not knowing anyone is so hard and scary and to immediately be welcomed into that family is amazing,” said Alison Phillips, a first-year nursing major who joined Alpha Xi Delta.

This is the 50th year Wright State has hosted bid day.

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