WYSO Public Radio: Wright State students on trip save a life at Yellowstone National Park

Good timing and lifeguard skills helped two Wright State University students save a woman’s life.

This spring during a trip to Yellowstone National Park, Hannah Mesa and Silas Hoam were leading a group to the natural hot springs.

They saw a woman having a seizure in a nearby cold pool.

They stabilized her and tended to her injuries until the EMTs arrived.

Both Wright State students have worked as lifeguards.

“I don’t know what would’ve happened if we were not there because there were not any lifeguards on duty,” Mesa said in a press release from the university. “That woman could’ve absolutely drowned if we were not there to help her.”

Wright State’s Outdoor Resource Center organized the trip.

Erin Compaleo, assistant director of outdoor recreation, said the guides were at the right place at the right time.

“All of our trip leaders are certified in wilderness first aid and luckily these two trip leaders were also certified as lifeguards,” said Compaleo.

Eight Wright State students and two guests participated in the nine-day trip to Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Badlands and Theodore Roosevelt national parks.

Read the full story on wyso.org.

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