WYSO Public Radio: Wright State alum, elementary teacher grows tree from seed that orbited the moon

A Coldwater Elementary School teacher was selected from 1,300 applicants to receive one of the 50 sweetgum seeds that rode in Artemis II when it orbited the moon in 2022.

Rachel Tebbe planted the seed back in May. And now it’s a five-foot-tall tree that she visits nearly daily.

A Wright State Lake Campus graduate, the university said Tebbew completed the application for one of the moon trees back in September while a senior at the university.

The tree is located by the school’s football field, off a side road near another sweet gum planted in 2016. The school is in Mercer County near Grand Lake St. Mary’s.

There’s nothing to denote how special the tree is — for now. Tebbe said a planting party will be scheduled with activities and a contest to name the tree.

“Once it’s named, we’ll get a plaque with information about the tree,” she said.

In the meantime, Tebbe visits the moon tree daily to be sure it is well, and if she can’t be there, she said the school generously steps in.

Read the story on wyso.org.

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