Dayton Daily News: Wright State sees enrollment continue to climb

The local university continues to see a rosy picture of growth among its students


Wright State’s enrollment has increased nearly 10% since 2022 and its president cited the work by the university to reduce students barriers to attend as a reason for the growth.

“The colleges, the faculty and the staff, the amount of work behind this is phenomenal,” said Sue Edwards, Wright State’s president.

Enrollment for first-time, graduate and transfer students are up this year and retention levels were up 5.6%, leading to a 7% increase in enrollment compared to the fall 2023 semester.

It’s also the third consecutive year that the number of first-time, first-year students increased at the university.

Edwards said the work of student success coaches, the financial aid office and advisers to remove barriers to the students has helped the university.

This year, the total enrollment is 11,822 students, a 9.5% increase over fall 2022 enrollment.

Susan Schaurer, WSU vice president for enrollment management, noted 363 of the more than 2,000 new first-time students are planning to major in nursing, an in-demand field of work in Ohio. Computer engineering, mechanical engineering and psychology were also popular fields of study.

“Our fall enrollment is another indicator of Wright State’s continued momentum and success,” Schaurer said.

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