William Hershey: Wright kind of attention to science, technology


When she came to Wright State on May 17-18 the university was the center of American youthful innovation, with Ohio, as in pre-Rust Belt days, flexing plenty of intellectual muscle.

Sixty middle school teams, including Lucy’s from the Syracuse area in New York, and 60 high school teams qualified for the 29th annual Science Olympiad National Tournament after state competition.

All 50 states were represented.

In addition, Japan sent a team.

Fifteen students on each team competed in 23 events that required both hands-on skills and knowledge in subjects such as genetics, earth science, chemistry, mechanical engineering, physics and anatomy. They used robot arms, model helicopters, other devices and pencil and paper.

An estimated 5,000 people came to Wright State for the competition, including students, family members and friends.

Read more at Ohio.com

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