Wright State University dedicated the Vishal Soin Innovation Park, which will create new opportunities for research and innovation in the Dayton region.
Watch the report from 2 News WDTN.
Wright State University dedicated the Vishal Soin Innovation Park, which will create new opportunities for research and innovation in the Dayton region.
Watch the report from 2 News WDTN.
ArtsGala, Raiderthon and a Habitat for Humanity build were among the Wright State campus activities that attracted media coverage last week. Continue reading →
Wright State University students will present their innovative business ideas to a panel of industry experts, known as the “Wolves,” at Wright Venture on April 3. Continue reading →
The Stars, Stripes, Flight Classic between Wright State and the Air Force Academy celebrated the region’s veterans and active-duty military personnel. Continue reading →
Kurt Holden, director of public safety and chief of police at Wright State, is leveraging insights gained from a law enforcement leadership program at Northwestern University to bolster campus safety initiatives. Continue reading →
One of the premier local arts events, ArtsGala showcases the talent of students in Wright State’s art, dance, music, motion pictures and theatre programs while raising money for scholarships. Continue reading →