Community Service

Pancakes for patients

Wright State University students organize delicious fundraiser for Dayton Children’s Hospital

Wright State Miracle Makers held a fundraiser to promote Raiderthon and raise funds for Dayton Children’s Hospital. Continue reading

Miracle Makers mark half-a-million ways Wright State students help hospitalized children

Wright State Miracle Makers, a student organization that organizes the annual Raiderthon dance marathon, has raised more than $500,000 for Dayton Children’s Hospital. Continue reading

Food run

Wright State’s Raider Food Pantry receives huge donation from university Police Department

The Wright State Police Department restocked the Raider Food Pantry with its annual No-Shave November fundraiser. Continue reading

Nearly 1,300 families come to Wright State for mass food distribution by The Foodbank

The Foodbank distributed thousands of pounds of food to local families during a mass distribution at the Wright State University Nutter Center on Aug. 29. Continue reading

Mass food distribution scheduled for Wright State Nutter Center on Aug. 29

The Foodbank will hold a mass food distribution for Greene County residents needing food assistance on Thursday, Aug. 29, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Wright State University Nutter Center. Continue reading

Area Latino students strengthen STEM skills and learn about college at two Wright State camps

Wright State University welcomed dozens of Latino middle school and high school students from around Raider Country for two week-long camps to learn about STEM and what Wright State can offer them. Continue reading

Dance the night away

Wright State students move their feet to help area children

Wright State University’s Raiderthon hosted a 12-hour dance marathon to raise more than $50,000 for Dayton Children’s Hospital. Continue reading

Wright State engineering students spent winter break completing Ugandan school sanitation project

Students in Wright State’s Engineers Without Borders chapter completed a sanitation project at St. Bakhita’s Secondary School in Uganda. Continue reading

Layer of compassion

Wright State’s Student Government Association and UCIE distribute warm clothing items to students

Hundreds of Wright State University students received a free coat or sweater during the second Winter Coat Giveaway. Continue reading

Helping those in need

Wright State MPA student makes an impact in the community in Dayton and Burundi

Angela Bingaya, a Master of Public Administration student at Wright State, helps people in need in Burundi and Dayton through her family’s nonprofit organization. Continue reading