Inclusive Excellence

Wright State’s Dayton Campus focused on enhancing the experience of student-customers

When students arrive on Wright State’s Dayton Campus for the start of Fall Semester, they will find numerous changes designed to enhance their collegiate experience. Continue reading

Wright State staff, students a big part of Asian American storytelling project

Wright State’s Asian and Native American Center organized a group of students and staff to participate in the “Asian in Ohio” online project. Continue reading

A fellowship to help the underserved

Artesia Dunbar, a clinical psychology doctoral student at Wright State, will train to work with marginalized groups through the American Psychological Association’s Interdisciplinary Minority Fellowship Program. Continue reading

Wright State hosts inaugural Latino Center Summer Program for high school students

Local high school students learned about opportunities at Wright State and were introduced to college success strategies at the inaugural Latino Center Summer Program. Continue reading

Service etiquette

2022 Wright State graduate Anjali Edwards publishes book on how to interact with service dogs

Wright State psychology graduate Anjali Edwards was inspired to publish a book on service animals while working on a research project in the Applying Scientific Knowledge (ASK) program. Continue reading

Helping future generations

Arthur Hill ’75 gives back with a gift to the Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center and student scholarships

Wright State graduate Arthur Hill’s desire to help future students served by the Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center and the African American Alumni Society inspired his recent gift to the university. Continue reading

Social Justice Fair at Wright State to highlight student accomplishments

The annual Social Justice Fair will highlight the accomplishments of Wright State and secondary students and their teachers and feature a talk by award-winning storyteller Lyn Ford. Continue reading

‘THEM: Images of Separation’ to be displayed at Wright State’s Stein Galleries

The traveling exhibit “THEM: Images of Separation” uses items from popular culture to tackle some of the most contentious, cultural hot-button issues. Continue reading

Wright State Theatre presents the searing social drama ‘The Laramie Project’ in Herbst Theatre

Presented by Wright State Theatre from Feb. 17–26, “The Laramie Project” is about the reaction to the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay University of Wyoming student. Continue reading

Rainbow remedy

Emily Winkelman studied women, gender and sexuality studies and led the Rainbow Alliance to ensure there are inclusive spaces at Wright State and in the community. Continue reading