Through the Workout Buddy program at Wright State University, individuals with disabilities are introduced to and can participate in sport and exercise with the assistance of a trainer.
Jacob Huff, a junior social work major who has a mild form of mild cerebral palsy, is one of many students who benefit from the free program, which is offered by Wright State’s Adapted Recreation Program.
“It has widened possibilities of being able to work out,” said Huff, who has participated in the Workout Buddy Program since his freshman year. “Because of safety reasons, I have to have someone in the pool at all times.”

Jacob Huff, left, and Cameron Moon train together as part of Adapted Recreation’s Workout Buddy Program. (Photo by Erin Pence)
Huff is independent while working with his upper body but needs a trainer by his side when using his legs. His trainer, Cameron Moon, a junior majoring in biological sciences, assists Huff by walking with him across the swimming pool in the Student Union. They work out for an hour and a half almost every week.
The Workout Buddy Program allows students to set their own training schedule. Three student trainers and 12 students participated in the program since the spring semester.
Moon has also been challenged while training Huff, saying the program has given him a better insight into understanding Huff’s disability.
“It has taught me that not everyone has it as easy as everyone else,” he said. “I understand that more. You need to be caring and understanding.”
Huff encourages students to participate in the Workout Buddy Program to improve their healthy and to socialize with other students, especially those with disabilities.