Paul Leonard: Consolidating government inevitable, so let’s plan for it


((Paul Leonard is a Wright State University professor.))

This commentary was written by Paul R. Leonard, a former Ohio lieutenant governor and mayor of Dayton. He was chair of the State and Local Government Commission during his tenure as lieutenant governor.

I admit it. I am a “regionalist.” But not because I think regional government will result in a more efficient government.

Quite the contrary. If and when Greater Dayton adopts some form of regional government, public officials will have to work like they have never worked before to be seen as efficient, cost-effective and responsive to taxpayers.

The closer people are to their government, the greater the likelihood that that government will work. There is no substitute for being able to run into the mayor at the doughnut shop or the diner. That’s where voters have a captive audience with their community leaders.

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