Saluting Dayton’s 2010-11 Theater Season


Splendid collaborations, promising new works, compelling dramas and knockout regional and local premieres impressively accented Dayton’s strong, refreshingly progressive 2010-11 theater season. I attended nearly 70 shows over the past 12 months, and unsurprisingly, the triumphs outweighed the troubled.

Among the highlights: . . .the Human Race Theatre Company and Wright State University’s dynamically dysfunctional “August: Osage County”; and the Dayton Philharmonic and Wright State’s stunning presentation of Leonard Bernstein’s rarely attempted “MASS.”

Based on the artistic strengths of the Human Race/WSU and DPO/WSU collaborations, I certainly hope the organizations consider joining forces to stage Stephen Sondheim’s “Follies” in 2012-13.

((In his list of the “season’s best,” critic Russell Florence, Jr. mentions Wright State shows more than 30 times.))

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