Wright State University Ph.D. program in Engineering started in 1998, and ever since they have worked on all kinds of new technologies.
Watch the video at WHIOTV.com
Wright State University Ph.D. program in Engineering started in 1998, and ever since they have worked on all kinds of new technologies.
Watch the video at WHIOTV.com
Alex Carpenter, a postdoctoral researcher in Wright State’s Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, received the prestigious grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Science. Continue reading →
Zach Webber, who earned a master’s degree in counseling from Wright State, uses Geek Therapy to reach his young clients during counseling sessions. Continue reading →
Wright State University President Sue Edwards visited several of Wright State’s institutional partners in Japan to discuss opportunities to expand exchange opportunities for students. Continue reading →
Nichole Rustad is responsible for providing vision, strategy and oversight for all communications and marketing functions at Wright State. Continue reading →
Wright State’s Boonshoft School of Medicine will collaborate with Premier Health to provide health care services to people with substance use disorders through a mobile community-based health care, or street medicine, model. Continue reading →