Samantha Laux majored in psychology, had a 3.155 grade point average, participated in a study-abroad program in Switzerland and was a downhill skier. Her disability had progressed to the point where she had to leave the university two years ago.
Wright State University’s dog park, believed to be the only college park built specifically for service dogs, has been decorated in memory of Samantha Laux, who died this week.
Laux and her family provided the support to build the park, which opened in 2008.
“Samantha is a model of the student with a disability who is strong and directed,” said Jeffrey Vernooy, director of Wright State’s Office of Disability Services. “Working with Samantha to support her on this campus helped us to come to a new level of service for students.”
Laux majored in psychology, had a 3.155 grade point average, participated in a study-abroad program in Switzerland and was a downhill skier. Her disability had progressed to the point where she had to leave the university two years ago.
Sarah Twill, Ph.D., associate professor of social work, worked with Laux during the program in Switzerland.
“I think I speak for all members of the class when I say that Sam changed our lives,” Twill said. “She taught us how to value each moment, try new things, use laughter and humor to make friends, and the true meaning of courage.”
Vernooy says the park was opened because the community recognized the importance of service animals to people with disabilities. Wright State has a national reputation for being an extremely welcoming and accommodating campus for people with disabilities.
The park has been decorated with cobalt blue ribbons in honor of Laux. Students hope to have a memorial service for Laux after fall semester begins.