Author Archives: Jim Hannah

About Jim Hannah

Born in San Diego, Calif., and raised in Troy, OH. Graduated in journalism from Ohio State University. Worked at the Rome Daily American in Italy, the Indianapolis Star and The Associated Press, where I spent 30 years working in Columbus, Dayton and Washington D.C. Currently assistant director of public relations at Wright State University. Married, with three children.

Milling around

Wright State alum Jessica Noes is at the wheel of the historic Clifton Mill

2004 Wright State graduate Jessica Noes oversees all operations at the Clifton Mill, including the mill’s popular Christmas lights display. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Alumni, Alumni Association, Home news sidebar, Homepage Photos and Video, Liberal Arts, News, Social Sciences and International Studies, Videos |

Dayton Business Journal: Military vet uses Wright State business education in his leadership role with Sinise Foundation

As a full-time military officer at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Mike Thirtle had little free time to take night classes at Wright State University. But he made time. Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

Wright State graduate psychology students conduct research on racial trauma training

School of Professional Psychology students found that graduate psychology students need more resources and training on racial trauma. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Graduate, Health, Education, & Human Services, Home news sidebar, News, Professional Psychology, Research |

Leading man

Wright State faculty member Scott Williams helps lead Junior Leadership Dayton

Scott Williams, professor of management, finds inspiration as co-facilitator of YMCA Junior Leadership Dayton. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Business, Community Service, Home news sidebar, News, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Management |

Prediction puzzle

Wright State business student Christopher Broach receives a scholarship to help pursue an organ transplant project

Management information systems Christopher Broach is investigating cancer in organ transplant patients. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Business, Military & Veterans, News, Research, Student Profile, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Management |

Wright State supply chain graduates filling the ranks at Crown Equipment

Crown Equipment Corporation has a successful history with graduates of the Raj Soin College of Business, hiring many to help power the company’s supply chain management operation. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Alumni, Business, Graduate, Home news sidebar, News, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Management |

Brand awareness

Wright State marketing alum Marshall Ward thriving as associate product manager for ACCO Brands

If you’re wondering about the value of college internships, check in with Wright State marketing alumnus Marshall Ward. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Alumni, Alumni Profile, Business, Finance, Accountancy, Management Information Systems, and Economics, Home news sidebar, News, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Management |

Sound judgment

Wright State business major Jonathan Mohr composes soundtracks for film students

Jonathan Mohr, a management information system major at Wright State, started writing music for student films during the Fall Semester. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Arts Scene, Business, Fine and Performing Arts, Liberal Arts, News, Student Profile, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Management |

Biomedical engineering student Garrett Regan accepted into Ph.D. program at the Mayo Clinic

Garrett Regan will begin the biomedical engineering Ph.D. program after graduating from Wright State on April 30. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Biomedical, Industrial, and Human Factors Engineering, Engineering & Computer Science, Home news sidebar, News, Undergraduate |

Jump start

Wright State ROTC cadet Caleb Matos sets his sights on becoming an Army Ranger

Parachuting out of airplanes is what did it. Although he admitted having the jitters before his first jump, the experience cemented psychology major Caleb Matos’ desire to become a U.S. Army Ranger. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Army ROTC, Military & Veterans, News, Psychology, Science & Mathematics, Student Profile |