Healthy Steps participants should enter through Gate 3 at the Wright State University Nutter Center.
They took steps in the right direction last winter—1.5 million steps, to be exact.
So Wright State University’s Healthy Steps program—an effort to help faculty, staff and members of the public stay fit and heart healthy over the winter by walking—is returning for its second year. The university will provide a warm, safe and dry exercise environment by opening the doors of the Wright State Nutter Center twice a week.
The program, sponsored by Miami Valley Hospital, will be Tuesday and Thursday nights from Jan. 8 through March 28. Walkers can drop in any time between 5 and 7 p.m. Walking is free and open to the public. (Adults 18 and older only, please.)
Walking will take place on the arena concourse, in which one lap is approximately one-fourth mile.
Participants will be given a pedometer at their first walk—enabling them to keep track of all their steps—and be encouraged to wear it each time they walk. Walkers will sign in before beginning and log their steps when finished. The individual with the most cumulative steps during the program will win the title and receive a special prize. There will be other chances to win or earn prizes each week as well.
Representatives of Miami Valley Hospital will be on site on several occasions to provide health information and free screenings such as blood pressure checks.
Participants will enter through Gate 3 at the Wright State Nutter Center.
Some walks may be canceled due to other events at the arena. For an up-to-date schedule and any changes, visit http://www.nuttercenter.com or http://www.wsuraiders.com
Questions should be directed to Jackie Schetter at jackie.schetter@wright.edu