Lt. Col. Tom Wilson is working on his master of nursing degree that will make him a clinical nurse specialist with a sub-specialty in flight and disaster nursing.
A southwest Ohio university is offering intensive training for nursing in flight and in disasters.
Wright State University’s program is sanctioned by the U.S. Air Force surgeon general, so students from the nearby Air Force Institute of Technology have been among early participants. The first class graduated in 2012 from the highly specialized two-semester program. The first semester is on advanced flight nurse training and the second on advanced disaster training.
While flight nurses traditionally concentrate on getting their patients moved safely from danger zones, the Wright State training adds more clinical practice.
Most of the training is at the university’s National Center for Medical Readiness, at the 52-acre disaster training zone called Calamityville. The area has buildings, silos, tunnels, ponds, cliffs and woods for simulating war and disaster scenarios.
Read the story from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.