Wright State’s Department of Music has formally changed its name to the School of Music to reflect its full array of undergraduate and graduate degrees and comprehensive music programs.
It’s a six-letter word. But for Wright State University’s nationally recognized music programs, it means a lot.
Wright State’s Department of Music has formally changed its name to the School of Music to reflect its full array of undergraduate and graduate degrees and comprehensive music programs.
“It’s just changing one word. But sometimes changing one word is a huge difference,” said Randall Paul, D.M.A., chair of the School of Music. “It gives the listener a clearer view of what we are.”
Paul described the School of Music as a “fully functional, totally engaging music area that offers everything anybody would ever want in the undergraduate or graduate degrees in music. We’ve got a full-fledged graduate program, full-fledged undergraduate programs, the highest professional degrees that you can get in music.”
The school is also an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music.
“We are everything that everybody would ever ask for in a music school or music area,” Paul said. “Students have every possible opportunity to succeed.”
The School of Music employs 40 faculty, including 20 full time; six graduate teaching assistants; and three staff members. Around 200 students, about 30 of whom are graduate students, are enrolled in the school.
The program offers Bachelor of Music degrees in education, performance and music history and literature; a nonprofessional B.A. in music; a music minor; duel degrees in music and either premed or computer science; and Master of Music degrees in music education and performance and a Master of Humanities with an emphasis in music.
The school has two orchestras, five bands, six choirs, six chamber ensembles and an opera theatre program. Faculty and students present more than 100 music concerts and recitals a year.
“The School of Music has mature, highly regarded undergraduate and graduate programs with excellent faculty, staff and students who perform in top venues around the world, including appearances at Carnegie Hall these past two years,” said Kristin Sobolik, dean of the College of Liberal Arts. “They are a key component of our Ohio Center for Excellence in the Arts (CELIA) and a signature program here at Wright State. We are pleased that they are being recognized for their excellence and success with the name change to ‘School.’”
The School of Music’s name change does not affect its standing on campus and it remains a part of the College of Liberal Arts.
Changing the program’s name will give Wright State more prestige in the competitive music education field. Being known as the Department of Music put Wright State at a disadvantage for recruiting and retaining students and faculty, Paul said.
He said that in the music field the term department usually refers to a smaller service department that may have a band or choir and few majors and minors.
“Certainly not doing all the things we’ve been doing for the past 20 years,” he said.
Paul said the name change has been positively received by faculty, staff and students.
“Changing our name to School of Music is a real help because that lifts morale and helps with our recruiting and retention and helps with donor development,” he said.
Learn more about the School of Music at wright.edu/music.