Students, faculty and staff can participate in “Tunnel Takeover,” a 5K walk through Wright State’s tunnels to raise money for Wright State University Foundation funds on Feb. 26.
Walking in the tunnels of Wright State University is a daily thing for many students, faculty and staff. They will soon have a chance to walk them for a good cause.
“Tunnel Takeover” is a 5K walk through the tunnels by teams of two or more students, faculty or staff. It is designed to raise money for Wright State University Foundation funds, which support scholarships, innovative programs and other needs.
This student-focused event will be held Thursday, Feb. 26, beginning at 1:30 p.m. The walk begins in the atrium of Millett Hall and culminates with a celebration in the Student Union Atrium immediately prior to the 2015 Campus Scholarship and Innovation Campaign Kickoff at 3 p.m. Arrows will mark the 5K path through the tunnels.
The Wright State tunnel system is believed to be one of the most extensive collegiate pedestrian tunnel systems in the United States. Nearly two miles of tunnels (10,436 feet) snake their way beneath Wright State’s Dayton Campus linking 20 of 22 buildings in the academic section of campus.
Registration for the Tunnel Takeover is free, but teams are encouraged to find individuals and companies to sponsor their walk. They are asked to choose a team captain to serve as the liaison with the Office of Annual Giving.
The team may choose any Wright State Foundation fund, or multiple funds, for which to raise money. The campus goal is $5,000.
“This is a chance to give back to your university,” said Kari Simpson, graduate student for the office. “It’s healthy, it’s fun, and it’s good for Wright State.”
To register, visit wright.edu/5kfor5k.
For more information, contact Kari Simpson at (937) 775-3933 or simpson.133@wright.edu.