Stephen Foster, Wright State’s associate vice president for international affairs, front row second from right, and Helen Valentine, deputy vice chancellor of Anglia Ruskin University in England, front row third from right, at a ceremony that formalized the partnership between the two universities in 2013. They are flanked by Wright State officials and members of the Anglia Ruskin delegation.
A weeklong visit to Wright State by a delegation of high-ranking officials from a prestigious English university promises to strengthen the existing relationship between the two schools and create new opportunities.
The 14-member delegation from Cambridge, England-based Anglia Ruskin University will be at Wright State from Nov. 30 to Dec. 4. The group, which includes the school’s vice chancellor, will focus largely on student engagement.
“They’re interested in learning from us about strategies to foster student engagement. They’ll also learn about our disability services and multicultural affairs programs. These are areas of specialization for us and areas of national distinction,” said Roxanne DuVivier, an assistant professor in the College of Education and Human Services’ Student Affairs in Higher Education program who helped organize the visit. “We can be sure that there will be a lot of good dialogue, many ideas exchanged and relationships formed.”
Anglia Ruskin is a school of about 35,000 students, with campuses in Cambridge, Chelmsford and Peterborough. It supplies many of the region’s teachers, nurses, midwives and social workers.
A year ago, Wright State signed a memorandum of understanding with Anglia Ruskin designed to formalize commitment to higher education internship opportunities, pave the way for research initiatives and open the door to more student exchanges.
The Anglia Ruskin delegation to Wright State includes the school’s vice chancellor; deputy vice chancellor for research and innovation; director of student services; senior sports development officer; equality, inclusion and diversity manager; and representatives from the Student Union division.
The Anglia Ruskin officials will tour the campus and meet with their counterparts, including student leaders. They will hear presentations from Wright State officials on student affairs, enrollment, athletics, diversity, academics and disability services. They will also brief the Cabinet and Council of Deans about what is new and cutting-edge at Anglia Ruskin.
Currently, Wright State has student interns from the Student Affairs in Higher Education program in the College of Education and Human Services at Anglia Ruskin serving as consultants.
The program prepares students for leadership roles in student affairs offices at colleges and universities to help enhance student growth and success. Offices can include academic advising, career development, alumni services, fundraising, student activities, health services, financial aid, athletics and other services.
DuVivier said students from Anglia Ruskin’s new student affairs program will intern at Wright State, that there will likely be more exchanges of student leaders and that faculty relationships are being encouraged.
“The opportunity for this relationship to be expanded to support new global initiatives is enormous,” said DuVivier.