The student-led employee health fair is Oct. 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Apollo Room of the Student Union.
Flu shots, lifestyle screenings, benefits information and chair massages will be available for Wright State University employees as part of a health fair led by students in the College of Nursing and Health.
The event, also presented by Human Resources, will be held Wednesday, Oct. 24, in the Student Union Apollo Room from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The health fair was organized and will be led by senior nursing students enrolled in the Community/Public Health Nursing course. The students are studying topics related to the role of the community and public health nurse in health program planning, implementation and evaluation, health education, health promotion, screening and mass flu vaccination.
The fair will include free flu shots for benefit-eligible Wright State employees and lifestyle screenings that include blood pressure, blood glucose, oxygen and body mass index. Also offered will be health education sessions on diabetes, stroke, nutrition, smoking, circulation, breast and prostate cancer.
Free seven-minute chair massages will be offered by students from the Dayton School of Medical Massage.
In addition, Wright State medical provider Anthem and Castlight, benefits consultant HORAN and HR personnel will be available to provide benefit- related information and address questions from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.