Wright State expects to return to a more normal university experience, with safety precautions as recommended by public health, this fall.
Wright State University plans to resume regular campus operations in Fall Semester with expanded classroom capacity, activities, events and residence hall experiences on the Dayton and Lake Campuses.
The majority of university offices and services, most of which have been delivered remotely for more than a year, will also reopen.
In an email to the Wright State community, Wright State President Sue Edwards, Ph.D., provided an update of the university’s plans for what she described as a “vibrant Fall Semester.”
“We are so excited to welcome students, staff, and faculty back to campus,” Edwards said. “We have heard from our students and our employees that there is simply no substitute for being together, whether through on-campus instruction or other campus activities.”
The return to campus will follow safety precautions as recommended by state and federal public health officials, Edwards said.
The university does not currently plan to require students, faculty and staff to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, although all Wright State community members are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated.
“Vaccination remains our most effective and important tool to fight the spread of COVID-19,” Edwards said.
Vaccines are available on the Dayton Campus through Wright State Physicians.
Lake Campus community members can contact the Mercer County Health District at 419-586-3251 for information about getting a COVID-19 vaccine in the Lake Campus area.
Information about more vaccine providers in Ohio is also available at gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov.
All students, faculty, staff and visitors are required to wear a face mask when inside all buildings on Wright State University campuses, regardless of vaccination status.
Masks are not required when outdoors on Wright State campuses if people are able to maintain a safe physical distance.
Face coverings must be worn at all times in university buildings—except when actively eating or drinking or working alone in a closed space such as an office or lab. Face coverings should cover the nose, mouth and chin.
Individuals with a medical condition or disability that prevents them from safely wearing a face mask may seek a reasonable accommodation. If you do not believe a face mask will work for you based on your disability, please email mask-ada@wright.edu to discuss a potential accommodation.
As state and federal guidance, conditions, and scientific recommendations continue to evolve, campus restrictions and recommendations are subject to change.
Wright State will conduct regular testing of its campus communities, including for all students living in Wright State residential housing on the Dayton and Lake Campuses prior to moving in.
Testing on the Dayton Campus for symptomatic students and those with close contact exposure is provided by Student Health Services at the Wright State Physicians Health Center, 725 University Boulevard. All testing will be free of charge to students. Students and employees may call 937-560-2223 with questions or to schedule an appointment.
Faculty or staff members who are asymptomatic but believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 should purchase an at-home test kit (Abbott BinaxNOW tests are widely available over the counter) or reach out to their primary care provider to determine a course of action.
Faculty or staff members who are symptomatic should contact their primary care provider or contact Wright State Physicians Family Medicine at 937-245-7200 to become a new patient.
Lake Campus students and employees can get tested through the Grand Lake Health Systems and Mercer Health.
The university also plans regular and strategic testing of residential students and off-campus student populations, when COVID-19 clusters are identified.
Community members can stay informed of the number of positive COVID-19 cases through the university’s COVID dashboard, which is regularly updated when the Office of Environmental Health and Safety is able to verify reports.
Classroom capacity has returned to 100%. Many synchronous (real-time) online courses have reverted to in-person offerings, while asynchronous (on-demand) online classes will continue as planned to maintain maximum flexibility and convenience for students. How specific courses are delivered will vary by faculty members.
Course delivery information is available on WINGS Express, although it is possible that the delivery option for some courses could change. Read more about course delivery options.
Wright State anticipates the return of more in-person events, activities and recreation on its campuses. Organizers should follow the university’s normal pre-pandemic process when planning on-campus events.
Customer-oriented offices and activities are expected to resume offering in-person services by the start of Fall Semester. Unless they have an approved flexible work arrangement, staff who customarily work on campus are expected to resume working on campus by Aug. 2.
“It has been great to see a growing number of faces as many employees have already started returning,” Edwards said.
Residence Life and Housing is planning for the return of increased social, recreation, visitor and roommate options with the lifting of previous COVID restrictions in residential housing. Guests will be permitted, gatherings will be allowed, and lounges and recreational areas reopened. Get more details about plans for residential living.
Interested residential students on the Dayton and Lake Campuses will be able to get vaccinated on-campus when they move-in. Residents will be required to participate in periodic testing, beginning at the time of move-in.
Some on-campus activities have already resumed this summer.
Wright State NCAA Division I athletic teams are proceeding with summer and fall activities in a more normal fashion. While following NCAA, state, local and university guidelines, teams may work out on a normal schedule during the summer.
The university is hosting small-group, in-person student orientation activities for incoming students, with fall orientation sessions ongoing through Aug. 9. Wright State is also offering in-person campus tours for future students and their families weekdays.
Faculty, staff, students and visitors are expected to comply with all university safety policies, protocols and guidelines while on campus.
Wright State students, employees and visitors are encouraged to visit the university’s coronavirus website frequently to view changes that may occur regularly and with little or no notice.