Wright State undergraduate nursing students spend around 200 hours in clinical experiences and participate in a preceptorship during which they care for patients in one of the region’s hospitals.
Wright State University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is ranked the ninth-best in the Midwest and second in Ohio by NursingProcess.org.
NursingProcess.org said Wright State’s School of Nursing, Kinesiology and Health Sciences provides students with a dynamic nursing program that serves as a base for lifelong learning and serves local, regional, national and global communities.
The website highlighted the diverse clinical experiences that Wright State undergraduate nursing students receive. Students spend around 200 hours in clinical experiences and are required to complete a preceptorship during which they care directly for patients in one of the region’s hospitals while being supervised by a registered nurse.
The School of Nursing, Kinesiology and Health Sciences has relationships with more than 200 medical facilities, including with the region’s major health care organizations, rehabilitation centers, county health departments and nursing homes.
“The program guides you into utilizing effective interprofessional communication methods, manage health care informatics and implement core nursing practices within ethical and legal guidelines,” NursingProcess.org said.
Nursing.Process.org helps potential nursing students simplify their search for nursing institutions of higher education by giving them access to nursing and career information.
The website evaluated 660 schools offering nursing programs when compiling its list of best B.S.N. programs in the Midwest. Programs were ranked based on National Council of State Boards Licensing Examination (NCLEX) pass rates, academic quality, the nursing school’s reputation and affordability.
Wright State’s NCLEX-RN pass rate in 2021 was 84.85%, which was higher than both the nation and state of Ohio average.
Earlier this year, the School of Nursing, Kinesiology, and Health Sciences was ranked No. 3 among NursingProcess.org’s 10 Best Accredited Nursing Schools in Ohio for 2022.
Starting this fall, Wright State will offer a three-year undergraduate nursing degree at the Dayton Campus. The Lake Campus will continue to offer a four-year B.S.N.
The three-year B.S.N. is designed to help students to graduate and enter the workforce more quickly and help fill a critical need for professional nurses in the Dayton region. The three-year degree schedule will allow nursing students to graduate in eight or nine semesters.
Students also have opportunities to collaborate and conduct research with students and faculty from other health programs in Wright State’s College of Health, Education and Human Services.
Wright State’s B.S.N. program prepares self-directed graduates to work in a number of settings and in collaboration with other health professionals to coordinate and improve the health care of individuals, families and communities.
Wright State’s baccalaureate degree program in nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing. Graduates of the prelicensure pathways are eligible to sit for the National Council of State Boards Licensing Examination (NCLEX) to become licensed as registered nurses.
Learn more about Wright State’s three-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.